How to Practice Wim Hof Style of Breathing
The Wim Hof Method combines breathing, cold therapy, and commitment to help you connect more deeply to your body. It involves powerful inhalation, relaxed exhalation, and prolonged breath holds.
Those who are proponents of his technique state that it can help:
increase immunity
better sleep
reduce stress
increase focus
However, there are certain precautions and contraindications you should be aware of. Learn more about the Wim Hof Method, how to do it yourself, and what the research says.
What is Wim Hof breathing?
The Wim Hof Method was created by Wim Hof, a Dutch extreme athlete who is also known as “The Iceman.” Hof believes you can accomplish incredible feats by developing command over your body, breath, and mind through the use of specific breathing techniques and tolerance to extreme temperatures.
There are three pillars to the Wim Hof Method:
cold therapy
First, students are taught specific methods of controlled deep breathing. This can be practiced alone or in combination with cold therapy, a technique where the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes. Cold therapy is not for everyone however, so if you want to learn more about cold therapy and his methodology you can check out his website or read one of his books from your local library. Very interesting stuff!
The goal of the Wim Hof Method breathing technique is to teach you to develop mastery over your nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems to help you be happier, stronger, and healthier.
The Wim Hof Breathing Technique
One round of the Wim Hof Method breathing technique includes these steps:
Take in a strong inhalation through the nose.
Let out a relaxed exhalation through the mouth.
Repeat for 30 breaths.
On the 30th breath, exhale to 90 percent and hold for as long as you can.
When you feel your body really needs to take a breath, inhale fully and hold for 15 seconds before releasing.
The basic technique involves three consecutive rounds of the above.
Eventually, the breathing may feel like a wave flowing through your lungs, but this will take practice.
Tips for beginners
Here are some general pointers for people who are new to Wim Hof Method breathwork:
If you are unable to breathe through your nose due to congestion or other reasons, mouth breathing is OK.
Use the cue “belly, chest, head” when inhaling to remind you to use all of your lungs.
Consciously relax your jaw and the muscles in your neck and upper shoulders. Otherwise, you may experience tension headaches.
Let go of any competitive mindset. It doesn’t matter how long you hold the 30th breath.
While holding your breath, use a nose clip or pinch your nose to avoid taking in microsips of air, if necessary.
Use the breath retention phase to witness your own thoughts and your body’s response.
According to the Wim Hof Method website, the technique offers benefits, including:
increased energy
better sleep
reduced stress levels
heightened focus and determination
increased willpower
stronger immune system
Not all of these benefits are supported by scientific evidence. Those that are include:
voluntary influence of the nervous system and immune system
anti-inflammatory effects
decreases in flu-like symptoms
increased levels of nervous system neurotransmitters
reductions in altitude sickness
improved oxygen delivery during exercise
Scientists are still learning about how Hof’s breathing techniques affect the brain and metabolic activity, physical endurance, mental health, the immune system, inflammation, and pain.
Follow along with his video and try this technique out for yourself and see what you think!