Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the 2nd Chakra, and is just above the Root Chakra. It’s actual location is about two inches below your belly button, but more in the center of the pelvic bowl.

In Sanskrit Svadhisthana translates to dwelling place of the self, or sometimes where the self rules. True to the translation, the Sacral Chakra is the seat of who we are; it holds our emotions, creativity, desires, the seat of life itself.

The effects of the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra houses our creativity, how we feel towards others, our sexuality, creativity, and all things that make us feel good. When this chakra is in balance you see the beauty in the world around you, develop strong and healthy relationships, and you are able to express yourself freely.

When this chakra is balanced we know who we are and are secure in ourselves. You feel comfortable expressing who you are, your thoughts, feelings, desires, without the fear of being judged by others. You are flexible to change and are able to go with the flow. Which makes sense, because the Sacral Chakra is governed by the Water Element!

When the Sacral Chakra is Out of Balance

How do you know when the Sacral Chakra is out of balance?

  • Fear of losing control, or the need to always be in control

  • Becoming nervous when trying to express yourself

  • Being overly sensitive when someone says something to you

  • Not being able to let go or being overly dependent on others

  • Having chronic back pain, lower abdomen pain, kidney or urinary problems, or any reproductive dysfunction

  • Feeling guilty about sex

  • Addictive behaviors or emotional dependency

How to Bring Balance back to the Sacral Chakra

You can do a few things to bring balance back to the Sacral Chakra.

Off the Mat

The color of the Sacral Chakra is orange, so you can try wearing orange, or meditate on the idea of a orange glow in your lower belly.

Spend time outside near water! Take a trip to the beach, a river, or a lake. Sit along the shore and listen to the water. Maybe even use that location as a meditation spot! Visualizing the water cleansing your body and soul.

Nourish the body with plenty of H2O and water based fruits and vegetables. Add more watermelon, cucumbers, pineapples, oranges, and mangos, to your plate.

Repeat a mantra to yourself. You could try I GO WITH THE FLOW or something similar to help bring balance back to this chakra.

On the Mat

Meditating to the sound of water, or even visualizing water during meditation.

Meditating on the sound VAM which is the seed sound for the Sacral Chakra. If you have mala beads, you can chant VAM and use the beads to help you focus and stay centered in the meditation.

The following short yoga sequence can also help you the open hips, which may be the body’s way of asking you to loosen your grip on life.

Prep Poses

  • Easy Pose

  • Seated Forward Fold

  • Cat/Cow

  • Low Lunge

  • Downward Dog with bent legs, walking feet

Asana Poses

  • Goddess Pose

  • Warrior II

  • Reverse Warrior

  • Runner’s Lunge

  • Lizard Pose

  • Frog Pose

Cool Down Poses

  • Cat/Cow (notice any changes in the hips)

  • Downward Dog (notice any changes in the hips)

  • Pigeon Pose, with fold

  • Happy baby

  • Bhanda

  • Uddiyana Bhandha

Read More about the Chakras


Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra


Muladhara or Root Chakra