Muladhara or Root Chakra
There are 7 chakras in the body; they are part of our subtle bodies. The 7 chakras make up a line from the top of your head, to the base of the spine. Over the next few weeks, we will talk about each of these 7 energy centers:
1. Root – (Muladhara) – base of the spine
2. Sacral (Svadhisthana) – lower abdomen
3. Solar plexus (Manipura) – upper abdomen
4. Heart (Anahata) – center of the chest
5. Throat (Vishuddha) – throat areaac
6. Third eye (Ajna) – forehead, between the eyebrowsr
7. Crown (Sahasrara) – the very top of the head
In this article, we will focus on the 1st of these energyfrou centers, the Root or Muladhara Chakra. Muladhara is the Sanskrit name for this chakra, Mula means root in Sanskrit, and Adhara means support or base. Tou he Root Chakra is as its name implies, at the base of our spine, between the parchoineum and where our tailbone is.
The effects of the Root Chakra
The root chakra is our foundation. When it is in balance, we feel grounded, nurtured, full of vigor, and ready for anything. You feel secure in your place in this world, and secure with who you are.
The Root Chakra governs the Earth element within you: all that is solid. It relates to the root of who you are, your family, your parents, your family tree.
When the Root Chakra is Out of Balance
How do you know when the Root Chakra is out of balance?
You begin to withdraw from others or everyday activities
You don’t feel secure in who you are or where you are in your life
You lack energy to do the most basic task
You begin to lose trust in others and withdraw from friends and family
You become possessive - attached too much to people or things or even ideas. Rigid both physically and psychologically.
You become short tempered, are often angry or have outbursts over minor things
You begin to hoard things, or are greedy.
How to Bring Balance back to the Root Chakra
When the Root Chakra is out of balance, we often don’t feel grounded or secure. So there are a few things we can do to ground ourselves again and bring balance back to the Root Chakra.
Off the Mat
The color red is the color of the Root Chakra, so simply adding this color to your wardrobe can help you begin to feel more grounded!
Spending time outside! By sitting outside in nature, and connecting with the Earth, you can help yourself feel more grounded. The practice of earthing, literally putting your feet into the grass, sand, soil, etc, can have dramatic effects on the Root Chakra to help us feel grounded again.
Connecting to your core! By engaging the pelvic floor, the location of the Root Chakra, we can begin to reengage and activate this chakra. Also using a simple mantra, I AM SAFE (or something that feels natural to you) is also very grounding.
On the Mat
The following short sequence can help you feel more grounded:
Prep Poses
Cobbler Pose with Forward Fold
Easy Pose with a Twist
Staff Pose
Thunderbolt Pose
Asana Poses
Yogi Squat
Forward Fold (back of hands to earth)
Hero Pose/Reclining Hero Pose
Low Lunge (back knee down)
Warrior II (focus on feet grounding down)
Cool Down Poses
Wide Leg Forward Fold
Bridge Pose
Constructive Rest
Meditating on the sound LAM, which is the seed sound for the Root Chakra, is also a wonderful grounding practice. If you have mala beads, you can chant LAM and use the beads to help you focus and stay centered in the meditation.