Anahata or Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra or Anahata in Sanskrit, is the 4th chakra, and sits at the heart. It is the center of the chakra system, it connects the lower 3 chakras and the upper 3 chakras. With the Heart Chakra, the ego begins to make us feel one with all beings. It is associated with balance, serenity, and calmness.

The Sanskrit word Anahata translates to “unstruck sound” or “boundless”. The reason the heart chakra is associated with the Anahata sound because the heart opens up the door of higher wisdom. It can only be perceived when one is able to be receptive enough to perceive the subtlest sounds i.e. the sound of thyself.

The effects of the Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the door to our inner temple, our soul, the infinite part of ourselves. It allows us to transcend ourselves and the world. Which makes sense because the Heart Chakra is governed by the Air element!

The Heart Chakra is related to being able to love yourself and being able to give and receive love with ease. It allows you to show compassion for others, and gives you the sense of “we” rather than “I” so you are able to work well with others, as well as the ability to share without expecting anything in return. But at the same time, knowing your own limitations and giving yourself permission to say “no” when things aren’t serving you anymore.

The Heart Chakra also allows us to release expectations and attachments. We can let go of the expectations, and learn to respect the outcome.

When the Heart Chakra is Out of Balance

An imbalanced Heart Chakra gives way to grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred for self and others. It can also manifest itself with physical problems including asthma, heart problems, hypertension, breathing problems, lung infections, and bronchitis. Other emotions that may arise with an unbalance here are:

  • loneliness

  • jealousy

  • bitterness

  • inability to forgive

  • passive aggression

  • inability to love

  • lack of empathy

  • smothering behavior

  • the tendency to feel like the victim

  • losing sense of personal boundaries or over extending yourself to please others at the expense of your own wellbeing

  • cold-hearted

  • fear of betrayal

  • unable to trust

  • overly judgmental or intolerant

Emotionally you may feel poor energy levels all over, since the heart is the center of the body. There may also be a predominance of negative feelings, which can cause you to self isolate.

Physically your immune system will be weaker so you may be more susceptible to colds and illnesses

How to Bring Balance back to the Heart Chakra

You can do a few things to bring balance back to the heart chakra:

Off the Mat

Green is the color of the Heart Chakra, so try eating leafy green vegetables and fresh herbs.

Because the Heart Chakra is governed by the Air Element, you can listen to the sound of wind instruments such as, the flute, saxophone, etc.

On the Mat

Meditate on the color green, or use the seed word HUM. If you have mala beads you can chat HUM and use the beads to help you maintain focus during the meditation.

Here is a short yoga sequence that you can also practice to help you bring balance to the Heart Chakra:

Prep Poses

  • Cow Face Pose

  • Cobra Pose

  • Up Dog

  • Bridge Pose

Asana Poses

  • Mountain Pose

  • Warrior I with cactus arms

  • Downward Dog

  • Wild Thing

  • Dancer Pose

  • Locust Pose

  • Camel Pose

  • Crow Pose

Cool Down Pose

  • Seated twist

  • Yoga Mudra

  • Legs up the wall

Read More about the Chakras


Vishuddha or Throat Chakra


Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra