How to practice Tratak or Candle Gazing

  • Light the candle and place it at eye level, ensuring it does not flicker

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative posture with the hands on the knees in Jnana or Chin mudra – your thumb and forefinger touch with your palms facing down (for Jnana Mudra) or facing up (for Chin Mudra). Set an intention or simply breathe slowly to relax the body and develop stillness

  • Close the eyes, and eventually open them, gazing at the centre of the candle flame, just above the wick. Try to keep the eyes steady without blinking.

  • Gaze for as long as possible without straining the eyes, and then close them when you need to

  • With the eyes closed, turn the gaze up to the centre of the eyebrows. Try to keep the image of the flame in your awareness for as long as possible, focussing upon it and studying any colours that may appear

  • When the image eventually disappears, repeat the process, continuing for 5-10 minutes

  • If your mind wanders, focus upon the breath, imagining the breath flowing in and out of the eyebrow centre.


Journey Through the 5 Elements: Air


Journey Through the 5 Elements: Fire